Turn your vehicle into a stylish comfort zone with our CTX tint . it helps tame heat, glare, and uv rays without affecting signal connectivity Excellent infrared and total heat rejection Helps preserve your vehicle’s interior Charcoal shedes match factory tint Restyle your vehicle and make it more comfortable with LLumar® CTX® ceramic window tint. This durable window tint comes in multiple color-stable charcoal shades that range from limo-dark to a subtle gray hint. Because it’s metal-free, there’s no mirror-like, reflective look with CTX.
Llumar Tint Ctx Ceramic

CTX ceramic tint is an excellent performer when it comes to rejecting heat and is loaded with other benefits too. It shields you from 99% of harmful UV rays, cuts irritating glare, and helps protect against injuries from shattered glass – all while helping you feel cooler. This makes LLumar CTX a smart choice when you want top quality window tint but not the top-of-the line price You’ll feel the difference when you choose CTX or any of our other ceramic tint products. They’re all made with powerful, road-tested nano-ceramic technology that’s able to help block heat even in the lightest shades. Our infrared-rejecting IRX tint and clear AIR film are also excellent choices when it comes to harnessing the power of nano-ceramic technology.